Simple Winter Strategies for Family Well-being

Motherhood is messy and overfull all by itself. Often, this season pulls families in many competing directions. It is easy to lose our balance as the days grow shorter and the weather is chilly and wet. Much of our work during this time of year focuses on simplifying our daily routines and creating seasonal rituals to support ourselves and our family’s well-being. Take a few moments to check out this short list and consider which ideas would be simple and supportive for you as we enter into the heart of Winter. We invite you to make any or all of these seasonal strategies yours as you nourish yourself and your family.
Simplify Dinner
- Create a Super Simple meal plan. Use the favorite affordable family recipes or themes and repeat each week. Eat the leftovers for lunch. For example:
- Tacos/burritos
- Soup/salad
- Breakfast for dinner
- Make your own pizza
- Pasta with veggies and protein
Take a Break
- Give yourself permission to respond “no” to the extra (friend, family, work or school) event, allowing for a more spacious season.
- Turn on an audiobook or story podcast for the kids (and for you). If you are doing this before bed, maybe try a sleep story that includes relaxation and a Body Scan. Check out Sparkle Stories or Storynory. There are loads of free calming and delightful stories for the whole family to enjoy.
Get Outside
- Rain or snow, go for a winter walk by yourself or with a friend. Bring a kiddo, go as a family or with your dog. Smell the trees, notice the sky, feel the ground…
- Move your body daily and sweat!
- Gather winter Nature items – pinecones, little branches, feathers or stones – for a family seasonal altar.
Family Thankfuls
- For some, the short days and longer nights are a challenge. Balance the darkness with some light. Around the dinner table (or breakfast table) share daily gratitudes and glimmers.
- Maybe cut out little paper snowflakes (leaves or hearts work too!) as a family and jot down the things that help us feel warm, cozy and light-filled to read outloud and serve as a reminder when we are feeling blue.
Start Bedtime Earlier
- Brew a pot of restful tea like chamomile or lavender to share after dinner.
- Dim or turn off the lights, shut down the screens, and light a few candles.
- Play a quiet game together, turn on some soothing music, invite kids to take a longer bath.
- Evening snuggle session with the family pets.
As always, reach out to friends, family, peer groups, health care providers and Mobile Mama for support as needed during this full season.