Posts by Mobile Mama
How am I Really Feeling? My Daily Weather Report
Walking along the icy trail among towering, snow-covered cedars, I notice the drifting flakes and wonder at the stillness. I breath in the beauty of the weather and am reminded of the rhythmic nature of the seasons, with it’s variation in temperature, precipitation, stillness, and storms. I am struck by how this rings true for both…
Read MoreMoon & Mood Tracking for Optimal Health
Tucked away in a tiny cabin in Prescott, AZ, I unfurled a three-foot-long 12-month moon calendar and carefully pinned the corners to the side of my closet door. The year was 1995, and I was overcome with feelings of fascination, curiosity, and shyness. Only 20 years old at the time, I had never formally tracked…
Read MoreMaking peace with “good enough” parenting
Driving shotgun on the highway with my 15 year old at the wheel is one of my least favorite parenting jobs. In fact, hands down, if we were going to pick out my three least favorite parenting jobs, they would have to be: Parenting related to Drivers Ed Managing sleepovers after 8:30 pm for any…
Read MoreWhat DO I have control over?
As the days cool off and the sun sets earlier, we adjust bedtimes and re-imagine morning routines. This season of transition is complex enough as we adapt our rhythms to incorporate the new schedules of childcare, school, and work. Adjusting to the new routines may feel chaotic and in these times we wonder, “What do…
Read MoreCanceling anxiety and pesky thoughts
Two and a half decades ago, I learned how to “cancel anxiety ” and it has became an important strategy for my my mental health. It all started when I was a 21-year-old nanny of a 4-year-old girl who loved The Wizard of Oz. We spent countless days playing and stretching our imaginations in the great…
Read MoreCreating Calm
As you settle in, I invite you to do a quick check, consider what creating calm means and feels like as you take a breath. What is the quality of your breath? Is it deep or shallow, slow or quick? Are you inhaling and exhaling through your nose or your mouth? And what do you…
Read MoreThis is temporary
Over the past week, our sessions have touched on a myriad of tender moments: the unknown terrain of labor, the exhausting new baby time, potty training, navigating toddler sleep, sudden loss of a dear one, work transitions, life transitions, grieving a pet, heart ache. All of these – often varied – human experiences still feel,…
Read MoreSocial media: What’s right for me.
Many of us recognize that the food we eat affects our bodies in different ways. We may feel nourished, energized, overfull, depleted, etc. based on what we choose to eat, what our body needs, and how it is metabolized. For many of our clients (and ourselves), the same theory applies when it comes to intake…
Read MoreOut of my mind and onto the page
Watching my daughter determinedly draw and write all over a page one afternoon, I asked her, “What are you doing, Ila”? Looking up distracted she responded, “I’m ‘mind-braining’ mama, I have a lot to get out.” “Oh, got it,” I responded with a tiny laugh. In that moment, I realized how many times she must…
Read MoreThe 8 to 8 Rule
Of all of the essential aspects of self-care, one theme stands out. It’s so important that a large portion of our time with clients is spent discussing and working through this one critical component. Can you guess what it is? The 8 to 8 Rule helps support this essential component. In the perinatal time period, sleep is in…
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